Ági, Kati, Zsóka!
Thanks for everybody the encourages about the shop. The 'projekt' is ok, We are just searching for a good place, where we could realize our conceptions.In fact every day we go to Bp. and look the shops. We would like to make this f.e. on a housing estate. I am fed up with fekvõrendõrök (does anybody knows how could I say it in English?), today I have to repair my auspuff
Probably We realize it in one month. By the way there are a plenty of second-hand shop in Bp., But I think most of them are little, dark, packed, and expensive (help me to find another word: expensive, but haven't got a big value -it doesn't occur to me). We saw many shops: cloths are everywhere,all of the shelves are full with cloths, and salesman (I mean salesagirl) is panting behind you. We want a place, where there is a small table in a corner, with small chairs, papers ,colour pencils, few toys...If anybody wants to come in with a child, or children, it won't be a problem for kids. While mummy can look around in the shop, children don't have to be bored. I think this paragraph was understandable..
Kati! If I didnt hurt your feelings, that's OK! Sometimes words cannot express perfectly purposes, I miss the sight, intonation, etc. By the way I saw the new pictures, Blanka is really lovely lady!
Zsóka! Alaska must be wonderful..I am a little bit envious
Now I must go, two of my children are getting up..
Bests for everybody!